Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Fountains in Bristol

Sitting on the floating harbour, Bristol, waiting for a meeting at the Arnolfini. Sunshine. Water is well featured in Bristol, fountains, spouts, spilling down steps.....
Again, back in my little sketchbook, working with a biro, two five minute drawings of the water features.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

A pattern from Venice

One more pizzini, and I did achieve this today. A tiny post it note bearing a pattern based on a grid, and a piercing that permeates throughout Venice. Or at least, the Venice I observe. 7H pencil.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Glasgow School of Art

For several years I have run a drawing weekend at Glasgow School of Art for teachers. We use the amazing studios in the 'Mac' building. Its an extraordinary building to work in, the big studios, the dark stair wells and library, the plaster casts covered with gaffer tape, tiny squares of colour on the wall, the lovely hen run.
I found time to study and draw the stair wells. Again, in my small sketchbook.