A selection of small (A5) sketchbook drawings done in the British Museum, in pencil. The British Museum is a treasure trove. A cultural storehouse. I value the material, handled quality of the objects. An interconnectivity between culture and practice. Material is experience, it is a medium by which we can remember. Objects can be marked by what they witness. Objects are signposts, can objects can change their meaning as history changes around them?
Each pizzini has a tiny piece of adhesive on the back. I can take the drawings out of the packet and arrange and rearrange then how I like....meanings and connections can be made, or it can be a random collection of images.
I Pizzini is Italian for Post it Notes. I bought a packet of post it notes in Venice last year, and I resolved to use the packet as a sketch book to record images of Venice, with a strong predilection for building and pattern.Today I finished them, and I regard this as both a completed piece of work, and as a signpost for some larger drawings, again, recording and synthesizing my response to Venice.